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HomeEventsHike Calloway Ridge Loop in Farragut, January 25

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Hike Calloway Ridge Loop in Farragut, January 25

Date and Time

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM


Farragut Kroger
Knoxville, TN  

Event Contact(s)

Tom Cressler


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Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Hike Calloway Ridge Loop in Farragut, 2025-01-25: January 25, join us on this great hike on Calloway Ridge Loop in Farragut. It is an approximate 2.5 to 3 mile hike that offers different types of terrain. The north side of the loop is mostly flat and smooth while the lake side is a little more difficult but opens up with views of Fort Loudoun Lake in winter. If there is interest we may also hike a portion of the Concord Park loop. We will meet at 9:00 am at the Farragut Kroger parking lot for carpooling. We will begin our hike from the parking area on the North side of North Shore Road just west of the Concord Road traffic circle. For any questions or to pre-register, email Karen Shoemaker at